Metricom, Inc.


Metricom offers contract services on time-and-materials and competitive bid basis. More than two decades of systems experience is brought to each project, whether designing new business solutions, upgrading existing systems, providing clients with exceptional value and efficiency:

Contract Software Development: Commercial-grade systems using Visual C++, Visual Basic, Ansi-C, and Web (HTML/ASP/Java/Perl) for Windows95/98/2000/XP/NT and Unix.

Data Conversions: Conversions and upgrades data from various operating systems, file formats, and database structures.

Custom Interfaces: Custom software interfaces for hospital systems, clinical information systems, practice management, and direct CPU-CPU links.

Documentation and Training: Technical and end-user documentation and training materials.

Implementation Support: Manage or assist with the implementation of our own products and/or integration with other systems.

Systems Integration: Custom business solutions to assist with overall systems integration, whether or not these solutions include our software products.

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